Logo Design Inspiration
I have a logo design shop where anyone can find and download an affordable logo design. I can pretty much create a logo design in any category, for any business, for any purpose. Full creative freedom in logo design. Sometimes to begin the logo design inspiration process, I think to myself, what do people need and what will they buy. After all it’s nice to support my art habit. Out of this marketing effort the creation of a logo, or a logo series begins.
In some cases, such as this young peach tree, a logo, which is not necessarily a logo, is created out of the awesomeness of the visual itself. A logo with no purpose.
So what is a logo?
To define the source of the word – and if I can regurgitate the meaning out of memory – a logo, coming form the word Logos, is the essence of the universe.
The Merriam-Webster description is this:
1: the divine wisdom manifest in the creation, government, and redemption of the world and often identified with the second person of the Trinity
2: reason that in ancient Greek philosophy is the controlling principle in the universe
So somewhat close. Most of us know a logo design is a symbol of a business, company, or otherwise an entity. When I see something that is awe inspiring, well I just need to draw it. I want to draw it. Drawing is a study, where I can better to understand the essence of the subject, in this case the beginning and growth of a new life. So when designing a logo for a new company, these thoughts should be considered.
The Back Story
How I came to find the source of the peach tree logo design.
It was gardening in early spring. The time when the compost is spread and seeds start to sprout. There was the top of the seedling sticking out of the soil in the middle of the cabbage plants. A weed a thought and gave it a yank.
Up came the whole plant. The I saw it, an almond? No it was the inside of a peach pit. Peaches which were drops, the discarded peached, had made it into the compost and started to grow. I carried the sprout over to the peach tree and examined the leaf. Yes, looked just like a peach. So I potted it up and set it aside.
If you want to go deeper into the story. I found several of these peach seedlings. I potted them up. Later to find out that a chipmunk dug the potted peach tree up and ate the pit and left the broken off leaves. Then I put the potted seedlings in rodent-proof cages. Eventually the seedlings grew a foot high. Now I await next season to see if indeed I have new peach trees to plant. Gifts from the Logos.