Santa’s Arrival
Prompt: UFOs
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Since the beginning of time, mankind has been obsessed with two things: what happens after we die and whether or not UFOs exist.
The latter is a very important topic—there are many people who believe that they have seen alien spacecraft, and there are even more people who have come to the conclusion that these crafts are an integral part of the universe.
Now, scientists have taken one step closer to figuring out which side is right.
The United States Air Force has announced that it has successfully landed a UFO on Earth’s moon! According to the military, the object was detected in orbit around our moon by several satellites and radar systems. The object was then brought back down to earth via a rocket propulsion system. Once it landed safely in California, they inspected it thoroughly. It turned out that it was made from metal and its outer shell appeared to be made out of some sort of crystal-like material. The team also noticed strange symbols etched into its surface which seemed to change color depending on how far away from Earth you were looking at it from (as if it were an actual living organism).
This discovery has led some experts to believe that aliens may be responsible for bringing us into existence.