
It seems all our thoughts are derived from the media, or at least directed by “them”. What occupies our minds? A constant news blitz, a ding on our smart phones, a radio station in the background. We start to align with the beliefs of those we listen to. Knowledge was once passed through the church, […]

Tonic Labels
What I drew on sick time November 28, 2018 I was down with the flu — really bad flu — for three weeks. Gee bad flu, and survived. After week one I felt the whole sick thing was a waste of time. I managed to grab a sketchbook. I’ve been very into fermenting foods, ginger […]

Has the right gone wrong? We are born onto preferences (and prejudices). We learn from our parents and are initiated by our state. (Are you blue or red?) We usually vote the way we always vote. We mimic our friends, our neighbors, or the company we keep — for the sake of joining forces. Comrades. […]

Eat Fat or Thin
This info-graphic is part of a series with weight loss illustrations. It illustrates how eating more fats derived from protein such as meat, nuts and greens is healthier than a diet high in sugars such as fruit and breads.

The State of ‘dis Pear
Label Design for Beer Lovers Oh Fun! During my work with BrewNanny, I became a member of American Homebrewers Association. I attended their national conference to learn more about beer and brewing. It was an eye-opening experience. This was not a group of happy-go-lucky alcoholics wanting a source of cheap beer. I found the home […]